Extending the life of cut flowers
There is probably no better time to bring some natural garden goodness indoors and make the most of the end-of-season flowers that are still blooming away in the garden.
Here are some simple tips to help those flowers last as long as possible once cut, whether you have collected a bouquet or some simple garden mementos.
● Try to cut your flowers in early-morning or evening and use a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs.
● Cut the stems at a 45 degree angle - this helps them to absorb water.
● If you are choosing a selection of flowers and foliage try to keep the cutting length similar - you want to be able to cover around up to 10cm of each stem in water so keep this in mind when choosing your cuttings.
● Remove any lower foliage or thorns that will sit below water level as this keeps the stems clean and will stop the submerged foliage from breaking down in water.
● Make a DIY Preservative:
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar per litre of water.
Make sure the cut stems are covered by 7-10cm of water
This preservative works by preventing fungal infections in the water that speed up the breakdown process. Replace water every 5-6 days.
● Enjoy! Don’t feel pressure to create an indoor masterpiece - a few simple strands of lavender in a small white vase or a single rose backed with some small fern fronds can be just stunning in their simplicity.